Are you financially prepared for a cat?
Much like children, cats need the utmost care. This means you need to be prepared for the costs of responsibility for a cat. Costs can typically include food, vaccinations, and veterinary care.
Do you have the patience and time it takes to introduce Kitty to a new family?
Remember that our cats and kittens have been rescued off the streets, from the local kill shelter, or other bad situations, which were stressful environments. Although they have been in our homes for some time, introducing them to another new environment with a new family, other pets and children takes much time and patience. Your new companion needs time to acclimate and get acquainted. That means a secluded spot with their own litter box, food, and toys until they are comfortable. This may be a couple of days to weeks depending upon the personality of your kitty.
Do you love those cute, adorable and playful kittens?
So do we! But remember, they grow up to be CATS! Are you willing to provide a forever home to your kitten even when it grows up to be a loving and loyal mature cat? Remember, cats are playful even into their teens and will still enjoy chasing that ball and playing with that string. Many adult cats are surrendered to the kill shelter because they are mature cats whose only problem was that they grew up.
Are you willing to commit to a lifetime of love with your new companion?
Cats are wonderful loving sentient beings, and when kept in good health can live 20+ years. Please consider this when adopting a kitten or cat and that as your life changes (new boyfriend/girlfriend, new baby, marriage, divorce, relocation) your kitty will still love you and need you through these life changes. Are you willing to be committed to your new pet through their lifetime and not just while it is convenient?
Are you or a family member allergic to cats or pet dander?
Please carefully consider any health issues before you adopt. There is no such thing as a non-allergenic cat although it has been reported that Maine Coon cats or Maine Coon mix results in lower dander and allergic reactions. Regular bathing or even pet wipes will help reduce the dander.
Is your antique Empire Victorian Lounge and new white carpet extremely important to you?
Scratching is a normal, healthy activity for cats to maintain their claws and for their emotional health. A good scratching post and regular nail clipping is a must. It is critical that you are willing to make the commitment to provide your cat the necessities and to put your cat ahead of your furniture and other inanimate objects. Accidents happen. Are you willing to live with it? Or will you consider getting rid of the cat at the first sign of trouble?
Thinking about declawing?
DON’T!! Declawing is not simply removing the cat’s claw, it’s a mutilation and amputation. It is extremely painful and dangerous to the cat and is inhumane. It frequently results in behavior issues and medical problems with musculature and posture. This procedure has been band in many countries around the world, such as the United Kingdom and Australia. WE DO NOT ADOPT any cat or kitten that will be declawed. If you want a declawed cat, we can assist you in finding a previously declawed cat needing to be rehomed. Or maybe a cat isn't the right pet for your lifestyle.
Love that color scheme on the beautiful calicos and torties ?
We all admire those wonderful color patterns on torties and callies. Remember, these kitties are often very sassy and full of spice. Carefully consider your color pattern when choosing kitty. Black, orange and tabby tend to be great choices for a more laid back pet. Although each animal is different and might not adhere to typical color personality traits.